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This function will set the specified version as the default version for the session. By default, the default active version in the most recent one among the installed version (nightly version excluded.)


  version = "latest",
  rmarkdown = getOption("pandoc.activate_rmarkdown", TRUE),
  quiet = FALSE



This can be either:

  • "latest" for the latest release

  • A version number (e.g "2.11.4") for a specific version

  • "nightly" for the last pandoc development built daily


if TRUE (the default) and rmarkdown is available, this will also set the pandoc version as the default one to use with rmarkdown by calling rmarkdown::find_pandoc(). Default behavior can be changed globally by setting option pandoc.activate_rmarkdown.


TRUE to suppress messages.


invisibly, the previous active version.

Special behavior in an interactive session

If the version to activate is not yet installed, the user will be prompted to choose to install the version.

Default active version

When the package is loaded, an active version is set to the first Pandoc binary found between:

  • the latest Pandoc version installed with this package (e.g "2.14.2")

  • the version shipped with RStudio IDE. (version = "rstudio")

  • a version available in PATH (version = "system")


# activate version 2.18, including for use with rmarkdown package
#>  Version '2.18' is now the active one.
#>  Pandoc version also activated for rmarkdown functions.

# activate only for this package functions and not rmarkdown
pandoc_activate("2.18", rmarkdown = FALSE)
#>  Version '2.18' is now the active one.