This correspond to the --print-default-template
CLI flag. With
this function, one can easily export default LaTeX template for example.
- format
One of Pandoc format using a text template. (e.g html, latex, revealjs)
- output
Path where to save the file. If not provided, the default, template content will be print to the console.
- version
Version to use. Default will be the
version. Other possible value areA version number e.g
The nightly version called
The latest installed version with
Pandoc binary shipped with RStudio IDE with
Pandoc binary found in PATH with
If output
is not provided, the content of the template will be
printed and return as one string (invisibly). If output
is provided, the file path of
the output (invisibly).
#> $if(titleblock)$
#> $titleblock$
#> $endif$
#> $for(header-includes)$
#> $header-includes$
#> $endfor$
#> $for(include-before)$
#> $include-before$
#> $endfor$
#> $if(toc)$
#> $table-of-contents$
#> $endif$
#> $body$
#> $for(include-after)$
#> $include-after$
#> $endfor$
if (FALSE) { # rlang::is_interactive()
# \dontshow{
# }
pandoc_export_template("latex", output = "default.tex", version = "system")