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Pandoc has a system of extensions to activate or deactivate some features. Each format have a set of activated by default extensions and other supported extensions than can be activated.


pandoc_list_extensions(format = "markdown", version = "default")



One for the supported input or output formats. See pandoc_list_formats(). It corresponds to call


Version to use. Default will be the "default" version. Other possible value are

  • A version number e.g "2.14.1"

  • The nightly version called "nightly"

  • The latest installed version with "latest"

  • Pandoc binary shipped with RStudio IDE with "rstudio"

  • Pandoc binary found in PATH with "system"


a data.frame (or a tibble if available) with 3 columns:

  • format: One of the Pandoc format

  • extensions : name of the extensions

  • default: Is the extensions activated by default or not ?


All the extensions for the last Pandoc version released are available in


#> # A tibble: 70 × 3
#>    format   extensions               default
#>    <chr>    <chr>                    <lgl>  
#>  1 markdown abbreviations            FALSE  
#>  2 markdown all_symbols_escapable    TRUE   
#>  3 markdown angle_brackets_escapable FALSE  
#>  4 markdown ascii_identifiers        FALSE  
#>  5 markdown auto_identifiers         TRUE   
#>  6 markdown autolink_bare_uris       FALSE  
#>  7 markdown backtick_code_blocks     TRUE   
#>  8 markdown blank_before_blockquote  TRUE   
#>  9 markdown blank_before_header      TRUE   
#> 10 markdown bracketed_spans          TRUE   
#> # ℹ 60 more rows
#> # A tibble: 26 × 3
#>    format extensions             default
#>    <chr>  <chr>                  <lgl>  
#>  1 gfm    ascii_identifiers      FALSE  
#>  2 gfm    attributes             FALSE  
#>  3 gfm    autolink_bare_uris     TRUE   
#>  4 gfm    bracketed_spans        FALSE  
#>  5 gfm    definition_lists       FALSE  
#>  6 gfm    east_asian_line_breaks FALSE  
#>  7 gfm    emoji                  TRUE   
#>  8 gfm    fancy_lists            FALSE  
#>  9 gfm    fenced_divs            FALSE  
#> 10 gfm    footnotes              TRUE   
#> # ℹ 16 more rows
# target a specific version
pandoc_list_extensions("html", version = "system")
#> # A tibble: 17 × 3
#>    format extensions                default
#>    <chr>  <chr>                     <lgl>  
#>  1 html   ascii_identifiers         FALSE  
#>  2 html   auto_identifiers          TRUE   
#>  3 html   east_asian_line_breaks    FALSE  
#>  4 html   empty_paragraphs          FALSE  
#>  5 html   epub_html_exts            FALSE  
#>  6 html   gfm_auto_identifiers      FALSE  
#>  7 html   line_blocks               TRUE   
#>  8 html   literate_haskell          FALSE  
#>  9 html   native_divs               TRUE   
#> 10 html   native_spans              TRUE   
#> 11 html   raw_html                  FALSE  
#> 12 html   raw_tex                   FALSE  
#> 13 html   smart                     FALSE  
#> 14 html   task_lists                FALSE  
#> 15 html   tex_math_dollars          FALSE  
#> 16 html   tex_math_double_backslash FALSE  
#> 17 html   tex_math_single_backslash FALSE